Expert Tutoring Assistance Right When You Need It

Helping children succeed in school is every parent's goal, but parents often don't have the time or broad base of knowledge to help with every homework assignment. Private tutors and academic enrichment classes can be expensive, difficult to schedule, and are not always available when students need help the most—as they encounter a specific homework problem.

Through Family Care Solutions, your children grades K-College have access to Homework Connection, which is free one-on-one, on-demand help from professional tutors with no appointment necessary.

Access Homework Connection

Dependent Registration

Once you are registered and logged in, you can grant site access to your dependent child. From the Homework Connection page:

  • Select My Life across the top bar;
  • Then My Account; then
  • Drop down to My Family – Child;
  • Add dependent contact info and check Yes to Allow Site Access